Topical Treatments for Papulopustular Rosacea
Mild to moderate Papulopustular Rosacea will respond well to topical therapy. There is a wide range of topical measures used to treat Papulopustular Rosacea. The most frequently used are the various preparations of metronidazole (creams, gels and lotions which may be available in different strengths) and azelaic acid gel. Azelaic acid gel (15%) and the metronidazole preparations are effective treatments when applied twice daily to the skin. Both of these preparations should be applied to the area of skin affected and not solely to inflammatory lesions. An occasional patient will experience an initial burning sensation with azelaic acid, but this usually settles with continued use. When the rosacea clears, treatment should be continued to maintain remission. If the skin remains in remission over several months, the patient can gradually discontinue treatment, initially applying the preparation once daily for two weeks and then on alternate days for two weeks before stopping.
If a flare occurs, the patient should reintroduce therapy at the original frequency themselves. In this way, the individual can take over the management of their skin condition with occasional supervision by the physician. Metronidazole 0.75% cream preparation is particularly well tolerated by patients with sensitive skin. In comparative studies it would appear that there is little difference in the efficacy of these products (azelaic acid and metronidazole) and that both are well tolerated. They are particularly effective in clearing the inflammatory lesions of Papulopustular Rosacea. The erythema may respond better to the azelaic acid preparation, but can be expected to diminish progressively (over several months) following sucessful with either treatment. Topical metronidazole products should not be prescribed to pregnant or lactating females. Experience with the use of azelaic acid by pregnant mothers is too limited to permit assessment of the safety of its used during pregnancy.
what is Rosacea